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A Romantic Getaway: Savannah

A Romantic Getaway: Savannah 77

I love the South and day trips make me almost as happy as hearing a Beyonce song at brunch. My husband knows this and as a new southern transplant he is on a mission to take a tour of the South. Since we are based in Charleston, I told him that our first trip had to be to Savannah amd he made it happen. Outside of Charleston, Savannah is one of my favorite cities on earth. You can find great food, art, shopping and scenery no matter where you go in this city.

In our quick 48 hour trip, my husband and I managed to get in a lot of fun and see many sights. Here are a few things you must do in this city for any romantic getaway or girl trip.

Eat Your Heart Out: The south is known for good and Savannah know show to bring it. From 5 star restaurants to oyster bars or juice bars, Savannah has you covered. Make sure to to try low country favorites like Shrimp and Grits or Jambalaya.  I didn’t make it their for brunch but it is on my to do list to come back for it.




Shop Til You Drop! With the Savannah College of Art and Design taking over the city. there is a plethora of art galleries, vintage clothing boutiques and antique furniture/home decor stores to please any shopaholic’s needs. I am a self obsessed lover of all things evening gowns and Savannah has sooooo many vintage dresses, many under $100! Talk about some deals. If you love high fashion shopping but have a budget, Savannah is your go to location.



Explore the History: Outside of food and shopping, I love the history of the south. Savannah is rich with it. From historic mansion, Civil War forts, or black historical sites, Savannah has years and years work of places to visit. I would suggest taking one of the walking or trolley tours to see the key spots.

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Hang Outside: As my poor husband understands, I am from the South but I don’t do humidity. I rarely stay outside for long but Forsyth Park was too beautiful to not enjoy the sights. This park is complete with a parking lot and gourmet cafe. What more can a high maintenance girl ask for 🙂

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Stay in a Bed and Breakfast: I live for a good hotel and if I could have room service in my house, I would. My husband planned this trip so he tried something new and found a bed and breakfast to say and I am convinced. This beautifully designed bed and breakfast was the perfect backdrop for our Savannah. If we did nothing else but rent this room, I would have been fine.

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I have found another southern home for me and my family. We both enjoyed Savannah so much and I suggest all of the BSBs add it to their weekend or day trip list. You can make it a romantic trip or a girls getaway, either way you will definitely want to come back for more. So pack up your car with all your essential sundresses and flats, ad a few songs  to your Beyonce/Erkyah Badu/Solange play list and take one more trip before the summer ends and go to Savannah!





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Michiel Perry

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