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Carol Allen, Memphis Belle of Mary Kay Inc.

Carol Allen, Memphis Belle of Mary Kay Inc. 6

It’s nothing better than catching up with some of the best BSBs below the Mason-Dixon line. Check out our profile of Carol Allen, a Memphis belle whose love for beauty shines through her work with Mary Kay. Her entrepreneurial journey of making women feel beautiful inside-out will inspire you to live out your dreams too!


Carol Allen


Independent Sales Director


Mary Kay Inc.


Memphis, TN

Alma Mater


American University


Delta Sigma Theta

Favorite thing about being southern?
In addition to always being able to order sweet tea, I love that people still say “Yes Sir” and “Yes Ma’am.” I enjoy the fact neighbors still wave, cashiers ask about your day and I get to enjoy life at a moderate pace.

What is your personal life motto?
“If you want something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.”

What is the most challenging professional obstacle you have had?
The most challenging professional obstacle I have had has been shifting my mindset from that of an employee to that of an entrepreneur through my Mary Kay business. As an entrepreneur, you work until the job is done. There are no set hours. I had to learn to create harmony in my personal and professional life. I had to let go of people and things that were not moving me in the direction of my purpose.

Who is your favorite character on a  “A Different World”?

Whitley Gilbert. I enjoyed seeing a middle class African American southern girl on TV. I also loved that she had a vulnerable side to her.

If you could do any job, what would that be?
 I would love to do any job that would allow me to truly transform the lives of others and as an Independent Sales Director with Mary Kay, I do just that. As a business coach, trainer, and leader of women, I get the opportunity to change the lives of women who, in turn, change the lives of their own families.

Who do you wish you could meet?
I wish I could have met Nelson Mandela. I would have loved to have a conversation with him about his journey from being jailed to becoming the President. I would ask about the character and commitment that was required for that to happen, and how he prepared his heart and mind to carry it out.

What would your best friend say is the best/most annoying quality about yourself?
The best quality is that I am very loyal and hold my best friend to a high level of excellence. The most annoying quality is that I hold my best friend to a high level of excellence even when she does not want my input. My Mary Kay team has become my best friends and I’m proud to hold them to a high level of excellence as well. It’s a blessing and hard work makes our dreams become reality!

What advice would you give your younger college self?
Do not compare yourself to others because they are not the measuring stick for who you are. Make decisions based on love and not fear. Live below your means and feed your mind daily.

Where can we connect with you?  

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Michiel Perry

Michiel is a Black Southern Belle living a lowcountry life. I love all things fashion, home decor and southern! When I am not running around doing fun stuff for Black Southern Belle, I live in antique stores and have a minor obsession with historic homes 🙂

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Michiel Perry

Michiel is a Black Southern Belle living a lowcountry life. I love all things fashion, home decor and southern! When I am not running around doing fun stuff for Black Southern Belle, I live in antique stores and have a minor obsession with historic homes :)

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