Nothing can be finer than to be from Carolina. Acecily “Ace” Alexander is the quintessential SC Belle. She represents all things lowcountry and southern. She loves it so much she started a blog called The Palmetto Peaches. Learn more about her and her business below:
Your Name: Acecily “Ace” Alexander
Business Name: The Palmetto Peaches, lifestyle blog
What You Provide: I’m a blogger with my best friend Donni Smalls, but I also provide freelance social media marketing services.
Where are you based? Atlanta, GA
Why did you decide to start a business? After having a few jobs after college, I reached the point where I was tired of putting my energy and time into someone else’s dream, and wanted to focus on my own. We (Donni and I) always joked about what life would be like if we started a business together, so when she pitched an idea to start a blog together last November–I didn’t hesitate. At first, I only thought of it as a way to express myself; then I learned more about other women who turned blogging into careers.
What is your favorite client story? My favorite client story involves my first social media client, Sweet 185, a body sugaring studio in Charleston, SC. I applied to be their front desk associate. After completing a lengthy questionnaire and two rounds of interviews, they said they’d get back to me soon. I assumed they forgot about me, until I got an email a few weeks later. It turns out they didn’t see me as a front-desk associate. Instead, they wanted my help with public relations and social media. No shade to my other clients, but to this day, the Sweet 185 crew are my favorites! They included me in everything from holiday parties to trying new products, and showering me with the sweetest gifts. I guess I was a little spoiled!
What is your website? www.palmsinatl.com and www.acecilyalexander.com
Who are some of your business idols? Necole Kane (urban entertainment blogger & entrepreneur also known as Necole Bitchie) and Shama Hyder (founder/CEO of The Marketing Zen Group). Necole and I have a similar story. So whenever I’m feeling discouraged, I think about her. I’m not on her level yet, but she’s an inspiration for young girls who don’t have parental figures in their lives.
Do you have any mentors? I don’t have a mentor, per se, but I take a lot of advice from my Auntie Karen. She’s the founder of the Auntie Karen Foundation, a non-profit organization focusing on empowering and educating kids through the arts in Columbia, SC. Although what she’s currently doing is ultimately what I want to do, she encourages me to be independent and live for myself. Even if she doesn’t agree 100% with my decision, she always has my back, even if it’s just recommending a self-help book. Haha!
What is your favorite thing about being southern? I’m not sure if I can speak for every Southerner, but I love how food is usually the center of our celebrations: family cook outs, Sunday dinners, brunch–you name it. I come from a huge family (my mama was the youngest of 10), so there’s never a dull moment or an empty stomach.
What is your favorite southern dish? I love grits! Growing up, my mama hated grits, so I only got to have them when we visited our family in Florence, SC (every Easter & Thanksgiving) or when I occasionally spent the night with my Aunt Mary. I love that they’re acceptable for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. Shrimp and grits, collard greens and grits, plain ol’ grits–yes, please!
What is the most important thing you have done to build your business? Networking is the most important thing I’ve done so far. Most, if not all, of my social media clients were referred to me through word-of-mouth. I’m lucky enough to have friends and family who always think of me when someone needs social media related services.
What are your favorite southern brands? Does Jack Daniel’s count? I’m not big on clothing brands, but I’m definitely a whiskey lover!
What is your favorite item or piece of clothing to wear/use while doing business? I’m no fashionista, so I’m going to choose my favorite accessory. I’ve never conducted business without wearing a headband. When I think about it, I can count the times I’ve ever left the house without wearing one either, regardless of the occasion. It’s my signature look!
All of Ace’s talk about southern food and grits is making me hungry and miss home (Charleston shout out!). We can tell how much she loves being Southern and her hometown, just like so many of us. Ace’s story is the truest story of a transplant Black Southern Belle. No matter how far from home, we stay true to our roots. We wish Ace and The Palmetto Peaches the best of luck! Can’t wait to see all the places you’ll go!
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