We love babies in the south and as soon as they arrive we can’t wait to take family portraits. It is a special art to taking photos with your new infant. As cute as they are sometimes they may cry or throw a fit from time to time and usually, that happens during your photo shoot.A� To help you as your plan for your family shoot, with the help ofA�Precious T Photography, we haveA�5 Tips for Family Portraits with an Infant
5 Tips for Family Portraits with an Infant
1. Prepare to Play
A� Be prepared to sing, make funny faces and embarrassing weird noises to captivate the little one. A� Chances are the parent will also think ita��s funny.
2.A�Food Makes Everyone Happy
A� A� Make sure the little one eats at least 1 hour prior to the session. Remember a hungry baby equals a grumpy baby. A grumpy baby will affect the mood of the entire family which will cause for some not so good pictures. I definitely recommend packing snacks. And make sure they are dressed in some comfortable newborn clothing.
3.A�So Fresh So Clean
A� A� The little one may have accidents that will sometimes ruin their clothes. Always make sure parents bring an extra outfit just in case. I pack wet wipes, tissue and lotion for families but I encourage them to also bring some.
4.A�Play Music
A� A� Contact the family a week prior to the session and inquire about the little one favorite song.A� Download the song and be prepared to jam.
5.A�Avoid Wearing the Same Outfits.
A� A� Try not to be the family thata��s too a�?matchya�? (yes I know ita��s not a word but geesh). Wear colors that compliment each other. Pinterest is a great tool to use when needing help with coordinating the family attire. Another great Idea is to try to coordinate with the room in your home where the pictures will be displayed.
Bonus Tip!!
6. Capture the Moment
Candid shots are the best. Ita��s important to capture the family in their natural state. Let the family play, laugh and show love towards each other. Those are the Precious memories that will last a lifetime.
Images by Precious T Photography