What’s a tour Down South without visiting an independently-owned Black bookstore? More than places that sell books, they are hubs for learning more about local culture, and perfect stops for good old hospitality in the form of a quiet space to hear your own thoughts, meet locals, buy books and other items by local vendors or enjoy programming. We have rounded up 18 bookstores you can visit in-person and/or shop online.
18 Black-Owned Bookstores to Support in the South
Pyramid Art, Books & Custom Framing | Hearne Fine Art
1001 Wright Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72206
501-372-5824 | pyramidartbooks@gmail.com
Facebook: @HearneFineArt Instagram: @HearneFineArt
AALBC (The African American Literature Book Club) Online
Based in Tampa, FL | troy@aalbc.com
Facebook: @aalbcfanpage Instagram: @aalbc
Best Richardson African Diaspora Literature & Culture Museum
30 A St. George Street, St. Augustine, FL 32084
904-217-8255 | bradlcmuseum@gmail.com
Instagram: @bradlcmuseumandbooks
722 W. College Ave., Decatur, GA 30030
470-440-5714 | hello@braveandkindbookshop.com
Facebook: @braveandkindbooks Instagram: @braveandkindbooks
2841 Greenbriar Pkwy. SW, Atlanta, GA, 30331
404-346-3263 | Instagram: @medubookstoreatl
Wild Fig Coffee & Books
726 N Limestone, Lexington, KY 40508
859-739-3207 | wildfigworkercooperative@gmail.com
Instagram: @wildfigbooksandcoffee
1030 Elysian Fields Ave., New Orleans, Louisiana 70117
504-354-1741 | info@baldwinandcobooks.com
Instagram: @baldwinandcompany
823 Ellsworth Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Instagram: @loyaltybooks
North Carolina
440 East McCullough Drive, Suite A-130, Charlotte NC 28262
980-938-5767 | Instagram: @urbanreaderbook
South Carolina
604 Saint James Avenue, Suite I, Goose Creek, South Carolina 29445
843-640-3164 | info@turningpagebookshop.com
Instagram: @turningpagebookshop
DeMoir Books & Things
739 White Station Rd, MEMPHIS, Tennessee 38122
901-464-0395 | demoirbooksandthings@gmail.com
Instagram: @demoirbooks
4803 Burnet Rd., Austin TX 78756
512-902-9717 | info@blackpearlbookstore.com
Instagram: @blackpearlbooks
428 North Main Street, Duncanville, Texas 75116
972-460-6362 | Instagram: @endasbooktique
50 E. Church Street, Suite 4, Martinsville, VA 24112
276-403-4380 | staff@booksandcranniesva.com
Instagram: @booksncrannies_
1132 Prince Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314
703-299-2591 | info@harambeebooks.org
Instagram: @harambeebooks_artworks
Washington, District of Columbia
843 Upshur Street NW, Washington, DC 20011
Instagram: @loyaltybooks
1231 Good Hope Rd., S.E., Washington, DC 20020
844-279-6239 | Instagram: @mahoganybooks
2714 Georgia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
202-234-4755 | Instagram: @sankofadc
Due to COVID-19 restrictions some bookstores are operating accordingly, while others are selling online. Call ahead to learn policies and procedures.
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