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The Story of a FAMU Pageant Queen and Her 5 Places to See in Florida

The Story of a FAMU Pageant Queen and Her 5 Places to See in Florida

Today we are featuring the story behind a FAMU pageant queen and her 5 places to see in Florida Kiaira Nixon is a FAMU alum and pageant queen, with a passion for her home state.

This Black Southern Belle represents all the best that Florida has to offer. She has a passion for her alma mater and we are honored to share her story. Read more about this Florida and her 5 Places to see if Florida.

Name- Kiaira Nixon


Title-Blogger, Journalist, Publicist and Executive Assistant

Company/Org– Florida Legislature(E.A), Blogger at and PR for The Miss Black U.S. Ambassador Scholarship Pageant

Hometown– Jacksonville,FL


Alma Mater– Florida A&M University

Favorite thing about being Southern:

Everything.  The food, hospitality, culture, and appreciation of big hair. What’s not to love about being a southern girl.

What is your personal life motto:

Believe in yourself. Even when no one else does, believe in yourself and your ability to shape your destiny and achieve your dreams.

What is the most challenging professional obstacle you have had?

I don’t have many but I do recall a semester in college when I had a professor who gave me a difficult time. I was overlooked for a position on my university’s news station that I thought I deserved. Instead,  I was selected as an associated producer and studio camera operator. I’m thankful for that experience, because of those positions my writing and camera operating skills have incredibly advanced.

Who is your favorite character on a “Different World”?

Whitley, she’s a true southern belle. One of my pageant sisters said I remind her of Miss Gilbert.  

If you could do any job, what would that be?

I consider myself as a jane of all trades. I could never choose one job however, I would love to be an elected official, own a nonprofit to help women and children. Lastly, a position in fashion journalism.

Who do you wish you could meet?

Michelle Obama, she is the epitome of class. Educated, compassionate for others and an excellent role model. I love her dearly.

What would your best friend say is the best/most annoying quality about yourself?

My best friend said the best quality about me is my stewardship, even as young as four I made it a mission to give back and serve to others. Most annoying – I tend to remember what I want. Guess you can say I have a bad case of selective memory.

What advice would you give your younger college self?

Learn to never settle for anything. Your goals, dreams, relationships, and friendships. Push yourself to your fullest potential.

Where can we connect with you?

Instagram- @Classnsasskay Twitter- @Kiaira_Nixon Facebook- Class N Sass Kay


Five Places to Visit in Florida

  1. Amusement parks – If you are looking for fun in the sun explore Florida’s Amusement Parks. Everyone loves to visit Walt Disney World but Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure and Busch Gardens are great parks too.
  2. Historical Black Colleges – Homecoming, Talented marching bands, and black scholars! The Sunshine State has a rich tradition in southern education and is the home of four HBCU’s Florida A&M University, Bethune-Cookman University, Florida Memorial University and Edward Waters College.
  3. Nation’s Oldest City-  St. Augustine’s history dates back to the early 1500’s rich in history this beach town is a beautiful sight to see. Visitors are encouraged to go to the St. Augustine Lighthouse for an aerial view of the city.
  4. Our Beaches – Fernandina, Amelia Island, Daytona, South Beach, Clearwater, and every little beach town in between offer the finest seashores a belle can ask for.
  5. Wildlife- Before you witness Florida’s famous sunsets you must visit our natural landscapes and met some of our animals. Swim with the dolphins in Fort Myers Beach, fish in the famous Everglades and go horseback riding near the water in Amelia Island.




Michiel Perry

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