Mississippi couples are some of our favorites. This Hattiesburg based couple stole our hearts with their Mississippi State University love story. Read more about Varris and Monét’s charming southern wedding today.
Bride Name: Monét Glover
Groom Name: Varris Kees
Wedding Location: Memphis, TN
Wedding Date: November 7, 2015
Alma Mater of Bride: Mississippi State University
Alma Mater of Groom: Mississippi State University
Current City where you live: Hattiesburg, MS
Hometown: Horn Lake, MS (Bride) & Brookhaven, MS (Groom)
How did you meet?
We met on the first day of class our sophomore year at Mississippi State University. The university has a campus-wide pep rally called “The Drill” on the first day of class at the historic center of campus, the Drill Field. A friend and I were going to meet up with my childhood friend (which also happens to be the Varris’s fraternity brother). When we arrived, Varris awkwardly spoke to me by telling me I had nice legs. I smiled and said thank you. I thought nothing of our meeting until he kept popping up in the following weeks.
How long did you date?
We dated for 8 years before getting married.
How did he propose?
We had planned a trip to Atlanta to visit our friends and ring in the New Year in the Peach State. Since our friends had to work during the day of New Year’s Eve, Varris planned a day of activities for us. We were supposed to wake up early and go to breakfast then head to the Georgia Aquarium. Just like most women, I couldn’t figure out what to wear. He kept telling me to wear something nice. I didn’t understand why since we were doing tours and visiting museums. I wanted to be comfortable. Since I took so long to get dressed, we weren’t able to go to a nice place for breakfast. Instead, we picked up something quick. He was acting so different that morning. He even unwrapped my breakfast sandwich and put the jelly on it for me. After breakfast, we were off to the Georgia Aquarium. We went to our scheduled dolphin tour then headed to our guided tour of the aquarium. The tour guide told me that none of the other guests arrived so it would just be us on the tour which was totally fine with me. She guided us through an hour and a half tour. At the last location, there was a table set up but it was covered with a tablecloth. The tour guide told us that they must be planning to use it later for something but we could see what was under it. When she lifted it up there was a table of fake corals and shells. She had me to pick them up and feel them to see how coral reefs and shells feel outside of water. I got to the clam and was told to open it. When I did, it read “Will you marry me?” I couldn’t believe my eyes. I thought I had ruined someone else’s surprise. I turned around and Varris was down on his knee. I asked Varris (and the tour guide) if he was serious. Finally, I realized what was happening. The surprise was for me. Through a big smile and shaky hands, I said yes.
When did you know he was the one?
I love Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, but the nearest one was over an hour away from Starkville. Since he had to go through this city to get back to school after a shopping trip with friends, he stopped to buy me some donuts as a surprise. The weather was fairly mild, but he turned on the heat in his car and sat the donuts on the defroster to keep them warm for me. Unfortunately, I had already gone to bed when he returned to Starkville, so I didn’t receive his phone calls or text messages until the next morning. The fact that he even thought about doing this for me was so sweet. I knew then he was the one.
What is the cutest thing he has done for you without you asking?
We work 45 minutes apart. I was in hurry one day and forgot my phone charger and had to work late that evening. I told him through a text message that morning when I realized it. While sitting in my office, I look up and see him walking through the door with lunch and my phone charger. I didn’t expect him to do that.
What is something you love about him that has completely changed your life?
I love that Varris is so open-minded. He helps me see things in different ways. It has totally changed my view on how I look at situations.
What part of wedding planning made you crazy?
The RSVPs drove me insane. We knew we were going to be cutting it close to the maximum number of people that could fit into the venue. So we needed to make sure we invited everyone we really wanted there and had enough room to accommodate them. It worked out, and we even had a couple of extras seats.
What part of wedding planning could you not live without?
I couldn’t live without dress shopping. My mom, (future) mother-in-law, and 2 of my best friends who happened to be my maid of honor and bridesmaid tagged along. We had a great time finding the perfect dress. Also, I loved the cake tasting with my husband(-to-be). We tasted cakes from small, home-based bakeries to the most known places in Memphis. We immediately knew who we were choosing when we tasted Ms. Laura’s lemon cake and neither of us really like that flavor cake. We couldn’t stop talking about her cakes and personality. We loved it all.
What was your first thought the day after your engagement?
My first thought the next morning was “OMG, did that really happen or was I dreaming?” I looked at my ring and realized it was real.
What was your favorite part about the ceremony?
My favorite part of the ceremony was when Varris said his vows. We wrote personal vows so it was amazing to hear what he wrote. As he was reading, he started to cry. I was completely speechless, and I loved every bit of it.
What was your favorite part about the wedding?
My favorite part of the wedding was seeing our friends and family have a great time. They were all so excited for us. We wanted them to have a great time since many had come from afar.
Did you do any DIY?
We had quite a few DIY projects incorporated in our wedding. I made personalized hangers for my bridal party. Varris made superhero cuff links for his groomsmen. We bought quite a few mirrors and frames from yard sales and second stores. We transformed their look into something more up to date to use as display signs and decorations. I also transformed an old blue suitcase to a vintage white wedding favor holder which were antique skeleton key bottle openers. We made the wedding invitations as well. Thanks to our friend, Google, we found a design we liked then ordered the type of paper and envelopes we wanted. We spent many days making sure they looked nice, then we sealed them with a K monogram wax seal. I wanted our guestbook to be something to keep forever so I designed a photo book for our guests to sign.
What was your wedding theme?
Southern Vintage Chic
What is your favorite part about being married to each other?
We love waking up next to your best friend. We love having someone there through the thick and thin. Loving each other no matter what. Even with knowing each other over 8 years, we continue to learn about each other and grow together.
What did you learn about each other through the wedding planning process?
We learned how we both make decisions are different. I don’t need to give Varris more than 2-3 options.
What southern traditions did you do at your wedding?
We had shrimp and grits as one of our dishes at the reception. Our guests loved it. (I don’t usually eat grits, but those were great!)
Did you have any southern food on your menu?
Shrimp and grits was a big hit. It’s a favorite among Southerns. Varris wanted an all Memphis BBQ reception, but I was able to talk him into having a BBQ nacho station. A win for us both!
What southern decor did you include in your wedding?
We had lace, pearls, and antique lanterns.
What did you love about being a southern bride?
I loved creating a classy and vintage wedding look with lace and pearls everywhere. As Southerners, our family and friends are very important to us. We wanted them to have a great time.
Flowers: Darling Flowers (http://www.darlingflowers.net)
Catering: Me & My Tea Room Catering (http://www.meandmytearoomcatering.com)
DJ/Entertainment: DJ ShanoMak
Dress: Ballew Bridal (http://www.ballewbridal.com)
Linens: Elegant Chair Solutions (http://elegantchairsolutions.com)
Drapery & Lighting: Curtain Call Midsouth
Event Designer & Coordinator: Jeremy Wilkins (https://www.facebook.com/jeremy.wilkins.984?fref=ts)
Photographer: Calli Smith Photography (http://www.callismithphotography.com)
Videographer: Forever Moments Videography (https://www.facebook.com/ForeverMomentsByAdalenne/)
Ceremony & Reception Venue: The Atrium at Overton Square (http://www.theatriummemphis.com)
Cake: The Flour Garden (https://www.facebook.com/FlourGarden/?fref=ts)
Make-up: Makeup by Zii (http://www.makeupbyzii.com)
Men’s Attire: Men’s Warehouse (http://menswearhouse.com)
What were your wedding colors? Maroon, dusty blue, and rose