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Lowcountry Love with a Northern Twist

Lowcountry Love with a Northern Twist 15

Berry tones with the backdrop of gray and a hint of gold. This low country destination wedding combined sophistication and tradition for a day of bliss. Learn about how this Northern gal channeled her Southern belle roots and honored her Spanish beau all in one on her wedding day and enjoy the beauty for their lowcountry love with a northern twist!

Bride Name

Christine Marie Antoine

Groom Name

Jaime Dastis Alonso

Wedding Location

Charleston, South Carolina

Wedding Date

October 10, 2015

Alma Mater of Bride


Vanderbilt University

Alma Mater of Groom

Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Current City Where You Live

Madrid, Spain


Bronx, New York


How did you meet?

We met in November 2011 in Madrid, Spain, about a month after I moved there from my hometown NYC to work as an English language assistant. It was a night that neither of us wanted to go out, me being ready to spend a rainy night in watching Netflix, Jaime having just gotten home (hea��s from Madrid) from a business trip. Separately, friends convinced us both to go out with them and we ended up at a mutual friendsa�� house. The rest is history!

How long did you date?

We dated for just shy of 3 years before getting engaged.

How did he propose?

Jaime and I were in Charleston visiting my family in August. As anyone whoa��s been there in summer knows, ita��s HOT and HUMID, especially around midday. Wea��d just finished lunch and all I wanted to do was get in the car, blast the AC and go get ice cream. Jaime insisted on taking a stroll along the battery, despite my childlike protests about sweating and wanted cookies and cream. We sat down in White Point Gardens with no one around and a nice breeze coming off the water, which was enough to get me to stop complaining. Next thing I knew, he was down on one knee with a ring. I still dona��t remember saying yes, although I suppose I did since wea��re married now.


When did you know he was the one?

I knew he was the one a few months after we started dating. I started having weird chest pains and was getting a little concerned, especially living in a foreign country without my family or closest friends around. I decided to go to the hospital to be safe and Jaime, whoa��d had plans to go out with friends from weeks before, dropped everything and sat with me in the hospital for 6 hours, all for them to tell me I had heartburn! I felt guilt for ruining his evening, but he never once complained or even teased me about it after the fact. That was definitely a turning point for me.

What is the cutest thing he has done for you without you asking?

There are a lot of foods that I can get anywhere in the US that are hard or impossible to find in Spain. One such food was crab legs, which I hadna��t see very often. Ia��d mentioned to him that Ia��d been craving them in passing. To my surprise, a few weeks later, he asks me to come over and had crab legs waiting for me!

What is something you love about him that has completely changed your life?

I love his ability to listen and admit his faults. Wea��re both pretty stubborn people, but with me hea��s always willing to hear me out, even if he doesna��t agree, and find a compromise. In turn, hea��s made me want to be more forthcoming with whatever Ia��m feeling instead of bottling everything up, which is a big change for me.


What part of wedding planning made you crazy? Planning the majority of the wedding from abroad while working full time and doing

Planning the majority of the wedding from abroad while working full time and doing a Master’s was definitely the craziest part of the planning process. I managed by being super organized, but it was trying at times.

What part of wedding planning could you not live without?

My wedding planner! Not being physically present in Charleston made certain things impossible for me to do, so having Beth (of Wildflowers, Inc.) was essential.

What was your first thought the day after your engagement?

Where in the world (literally) are we going to have this wedding?

What was your favorite part of the ceremony?

Being from different countries, it was important to tie in both of our cultural backgrounds, particularly in the ceremony since we had receptions in both the US and Spain but only one ceremony. Jaimea��s godfather did a reading in Spanish and my aunt did one in English. We did a Spanish a�?arrasa�? ceremony, an exchange of 13 coins, representing that our finances are now combined. Jaimea��s mother loves antiquing, so she found Spanish pesetas and old US dollar coins that we used in the ceremony instead of the traditional gold or silver. To finish off the ceremony, we jumped the broom, the African-American tradition that symbolizes sweeping our pasts away and starting life anew as a married couple.

What was your favorite part about the wedding?

My favorite part of the wedding was being able to celebrate and party with everyone whoa��d come to the wedding. We had people from so many countries and backgrounds attending that one of my biggest concerns was if all of those people would have a good time, would everyone get up and dance. I tip my hat off to our DJ, DJ Wade, because he made sure everyone was up on their feet all night, regardless of age or nationality.

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Did you do any DIY? If so, what?A�

I DIYa��d our welcome bags. They included a Charleston visitora��s guide, a weekend itinerary with event schedules and a list of our favorite restaurants, a mini bottle of water, benne seed wafers, Charleston chew candy, a couple of Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka minis and a palmetto rose. I also made bathroom baskets with stuff like bobby pins, mints, pins etc. for the bathrooms.

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Who were your wedding vendors?A�

Invites – Minted

Flowers – Wildflowers Inc.

Catering – The Francis Marion Hotel

DJ/Entertainment – DJ Wade, OtherBrother EntertainmentA�

Dress – San Patrik, Antonella Novias (Madrid, Spain)A�

Wedding Planner – Beth LeonGuerrero, Wildflowers Inc.

Photographer – Sean Money and Elizabeth FayA�

Videographer – Dock House DigitalA�

Transporation: ACW Limo ServiceA�

Photobooth: Charleston Party BoothA�

What were your wedding colors?

Berry tones, gray and gold

What was your wedding theme?

I cana��t say there was a specific theme, but I knew I wanted a more formal wedding while still being intimate, plus a bit of glamor.

What is your favorite part about being married to each other?

My favorite part about being married is getting to plan our future together. Wea��re different people, but wea��re very much on the same page in terms of future goals and the path wea��d like our life to take. Ia��m excited to see what the future will bring.

What did you learn about each other through the wedding planning process?

We learned a lot about conflict resolution, between our own disagreements and dealing with family.

Did you have any southern food on your menu? If so what and why?

Our appetizers during the cocktail hour were our southern touch on the menu. Fried green tomatoes, mini tomato pies and of course a mac and cheese bar.


What did you love about being a southern bride? I consider myself a a�?southern frieda�? northerner, so it was nice to be able to introduce family and friends whoa��d never been to Charleston or the South of the US to experience southern hospitality at its finest while celebrating with us.

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Michiel Perry

Michiel is a Black Southern Belle living a lowcountry life. I love all things fashion, home decor and southern! When I am not running around doing fun stuff for Black Southern Belle, I live in antique stores and have a minor obsession with historic homes 🙂

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Michiel Perry

Michiel is a Black Southern Belle living a lowcountry life. I love all things fashion, home decor and southern! When I am not running around doing fun stuff for Black Southern Belle, I live in antique stores and have a minor obsession with historic homes :)

1 Comment

  1. October 1, 2016 / 2:10 am

    Everything was absolutely stunning… All these beautiful weddings make me want to renew our vows.. 🙂 .

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