Spring is almost here and I am so excited. After one of the coldest winters ever in the South, I can’t wait to enjoy some front porch time with my family. Growing up in the Lowcountry, life revolves around the front porch. From weddings to shrimp boils, your front porch is always at the center of it.
To enjoy the warm weather, I took some time to enjoy own front porch with my son Jackson. If you are looking to enjoy your own front proch experience, here are some tips to get started.
What’s a front porch party without great fashion. I was able to match my son with some great outfits from vineyard vines, which is the perfect brand for enjoying the coastal lifestyle and finding matching outfits with your son!
Bar Cart:
I love a good bar cart and any excuse to enjoy using one of my front porch. I styled this cart with some of my favorites including my vineyard vines Charleston mug and Muscadine Wine from Black, Veteran Owned, Bowman Vineyards which happens to also be my parent’s neighbor.
With the craziness of life and two toddlers in tow, I spend my time trying to explore a new book or explore my favorite magazine. I chose The Charleston Freedman’s Cottage: An Architectural Tradition.
Treat Yourself:
Since I am not able to hosts to many guests these days, I am all about finding ways to travel and treat myself from my front porch. I curated a gift basket of some of my favorite things including comfy leggings from vineyard vines, Gullah stationery and vintage glassware.
The most important part of any front porch experience is experiencing your friends and family. My son loves getting out of the house (I admittedly love when he gets a break as well!) I am so excited to pass on the tradition of front porch entertaining to him and can’t wait to see all the memories he makes on this front porch.
***DISCLOSURE*** This post was sponsored by vineyard vines. All opinions are my own.