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Helping the South Through Home Ownership

Helping the South Through Home Ownership 32

There is nothing like a beautiful southern homes. Erica Simpson helps all of us home decor fanatics find that perfect home to decorate. This South Carolina based realtor is in the business of helping southerners find their dream home. She loves what she does and make it her mission to help people find that special place to call home. Today we feature her as she gives us home trends for 2015 and dishes on what she loves the most about the South!

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Your Name:

Erica Simpson

Business Name:

Erica Homes, LLC

Alma Mater:

Winthrop university BA Masters Francis Marion University

Lancaster High School


Delta Sigma Theta

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Lancaster, SC

Current location:

 Lancaster, SC

Website Link:

www. /

What services do you provide?

Homebuyer and home selling services, as well as foreclosure prevention

Sell Your House Fast In Birmingham , Alabama 

Why did you decide to start a business?

I am not a conformist. I love the freedom and challenges  that come with running a business

Before you owned a business, what did you do?

Taught first grade for five years

What is your favorite client story?

Homeowner who owed over $200,000 and we completed their short sale. The bankl forgave a $63,00 second mortgage, paid off 3 judgement totaling  approximately $21,000 and the homeowners received $10,000 in  relocation money

What is the most important thing you have done to build your business?

Network with others

What do you love about southern real estate?

The ability  to help others obtain and sustain homeownership

What are some of the most interesting things about southern homes?

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Lots of charm and character

Who are some of your business idols?

Grant Cardone, my dad

Do you have any mentors?

Yes, my dad and god sister Dr. Patrice Gilliam Robinson

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What is your favorite thing about being southern?

Friendliest people in the country

What is your favorite southern entrees or sides?

Greens and Cornbread. Just love the taste of the two together.

What are some of the 2015 real estate trends?

-Mortgage rates are still low.. Buying cheaper than rent

–Foreclosure wave isn’t over. … Will see more in this last quarter of the year

–People are defaulting on loan modifications

— Homeowners who exhausted their limits with government assistance programs like the Hardest Hit Fund and their financial situation still hasn’t changed.

–There is a lot of shadow inventory (loans in default that were never foreclosed). There are homeowners who haven’t paid a mortgage payment in 2 plus years and are living in this shadow inventory

  — Divorce- Financial issues cause people to separate

— ARMs that were taken at the beginning of the crash still have to adjust

— Millienials are the largest buying group

— Smaller is better

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What is your favorite item or piece of clothing to wear/use while doing business?

Casual wear solids easy to switch up


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Michiel Perry

Michiel is a Black Southern Belle living a lowcountry life. I love all things fashion, home decor and southern! When I am not running around doing fun stuff for Black Southern Belle, I live in antique stores and have a minor obsession with historic homes 🙂

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Michiel Perry

Michiel is a Black Southern Belle living a lowcountry life. I love all things fashion, home decor and southern! When I am not running around doing fun stuff for Black Southern Belle, I live in antique stores and have a minor obsession with historic homes :)


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