Southern girls are multi talented. We know how to make and also how to hold our liquor. Trista Davis has put together these two southern talents and made a business out of it. Owner and founder of Yin Yang Cupcake Bar, which specializes in alcohol infused cupcakes, she is taking her passion and making it her business. This Nashville native is an inspiration to us all who want to take that leap of faith. Take a moment to learn about her story of entrepreneurship and stare at all of her beautiful dessert art 🙂
Trista Davis
Yin Yang Cupcake Bar
Services You ProvideÂ
Yin Yang Cupcake Bar specializes in alcohol infused cupcakes. We also provide traditional cupcakes and have just started offering brownies – both alcohol infused and not.
Nashville, TN
Alma MaterÂ
Alabama A&M University
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
What is your personal life motto:
Dare to dream and have the audacity to see it through.
What is the most challenging professional obstacle you have had?
The most challenging obstacle was just getting started. Although the concept came to me effortlessly, it took a lot of research and understanding the industry. I am still learning so much after 4 years!
Why did you start your company?
I have always had a passion for entrepreneurship. It took me some time to figure out what I would enjoy doing that was in line with my natural talents and abilities. I have always loved to cook/bake and I feel that there is room in this industry to grow.
What are some of your favorite business lessons?Â
I have a few! 1. You willassume that the people in your life will support you, naturally. It is difficult when you find out that many will not. Don’t take it personally. Find out what group makes up your demographic…it may not be them in the first place and that is ok. 2. My manager at my first job told me, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” He told me that when I was fifteen and it stuck. Start how you intend to finish and understand that your consumer will pick up on changes both good and bad. Your business philosophy should match your personal philosophy (hopefully that is positive). 3. Think like a consumer. This will help you give the best product and service. 4. Slow progress is still progress. You can’t focus on the pace of any other business. 5. I heard “find something that you would do everyday for free” a lot throughout life. I don’t believe that, lol! Find something that you’re passionate about and figure out how to get paid for it.
As an entrepreneur, what rituals do you do on a daily basis to stay on track?
I try to take time to do self checks. I have to make sure that I’m ok/balanced so that I can serve others. One of my favorite things to do is have tea and listen to music. Tea time is my happy place.
Do you have any professional mentors?
 I have a mentor and she is amazing. She was very involved early on and served as my sounding board. Today, she throws ideas at me and gives me advice. It is important to have someone in your life that is “unattached.” She came into my life as a professional mentor not as a family member or a friend. She gave it to me straight and I appreciated that even though it was difficult to swallow sometimes.
How has being southern influenced your view on business?
I’m not really sure if being southern has influenced my view on business. Using Jack Daniels is a must though!
What do you love about living in Nashville?
Nashville is home. There is something special about being home anyway, but I have loved watching Nashville grow. It is a completely different city that it was 10 years ago but it has maintained its Southern charm.
What did you love about attending an HBCU?
Attending an HBCU was an experience. I learned a lot about myself and life, in general.
As a bride to be, what advice would you give a fellow southern bride planning a wedding?
Figure out what is important to you and your fiance early on. It will help you stay on track and it makes it easier to focus your vision because we know that sites like Pinterest and Instagram make us all want EVERYTHING. I’d also say to be sure about the vendors you select. You’ll have a gut feeling, pay attention to it!
What is your favorite southern dish?
Mac & Cheese hands down. It is my favorite food period! It is the essence of comfort food for me.
What is some of the best advice your mom gave you?
Be honest with yourself and others. It is a lot easier to deal with the consequences (if any) and move past it than it is to walk around with the weight of the world on your shoulders. As I’ve gotten older, I have learned that this doesn’t always refer to a lie. Sometimes we pretend to be ok when we are hurting or we take on too much because we don’t want to ask for help. Being honest helps you learn to problem solve instead of consistent worry and stress.
Who do you wish you could meet?
Oprah or Kanye West. Oprah needs no explanation. I think Kanye is brilliant and I respect a person that says what is on his mind even when it may not be popular. I’d love to get business/life advice from them.
What advice would you give your younger college self?
Most of this will NOT matter is five years. Don’t sweat it! ORÂ Choose the major that YOUÂ want/leave and go to culinary school.
Where can we connect with you?
Facebook – Yin Yang Cupcake Bar, Instagram – @yinyangcupcakebar, Email – indulge@yinyangcupcakes.com