Toady we are featuring an adorableA�Columbia, SC Engagement Session. This couple are Winthrop University Alum who got engaged on Christmas Eve. Although they got engaged in New York, they took it back to the bride’s hometown for the Columbia, SC engagement session. Take a second to read about these Winthrop sweethearts and their southern love story!
Bride Name: Crystal Wilson
Groom Name: Joab Jerome
Engagement Location: NYC Kimpton Ink rooftop
Engagement Date: Christmas Eve a��16
Alma Mater of Bride: Winthrop University
Alma Mater of Groom: Winthrop UniversityA�
Current city where you live: he lives in PowderA�Springs, GA and she lives in Columbia, SC
Bride Hometown: Columbia, SC
Groom Hometown: Staten Island, NY
Bride Sorority: AKA
How did you meet?
We both needed anA�elective in collegeA�so we enrolled in theatre.A�It wasn’t until Crystal asked me a question that we hit it off as friends.
How long have you dated?
3 1/2 years
How did he propose?
Well, we always take a trip to NYC every Christmas because I am aA�true tourist no matter how often we visit the city and can’t deny the beauty that time of year.A�This time, heA�decided to plan a weekend that would leave meA�guessing! We spent the day running around the city with Joab’s sister shopping before heading back to the hotel for candle lit dinner. I must’ve suspected something special was going to happen that night because weA�both sat at the dinner table starring at each other,A�nervously laughing, and neither of us could eat. After some time went by and Joab realized we both were full of butterflies, he says lets go up on the rooftop to the lounge. So, we head upstairs with the city light gleaming and the cold airA�on our breathe still nervous. I literally ask ” what are you going to do, go on ” because I have a feeling. Joab then reaches in his pocket and I gasp for air as he’s telling me how much he loves me then he scoots like he’s getting on one knee…them pulls out a pack of gum!! We both were dying laughing and I was so caught up in the laughter that when I stopped– he was on a bended knee asking me those 4 magical words!! We headed back to our room to celebrate soon after, only to walk into the room fully showered with rose petals and flowers with the song we always said we’d dance to playing in the background. NeedlessA�to say,A�we were both in tears holding each other and slow dancing for Lord knows how long!
When did you know he was the one?
Truthfully, from the moment we started spending time together. We often laugh, that on our first date, I told him that “we’re going toA�get married someday”. He of course thought “what did I get myself into”.A�
What is the cutest thing he has done for you without asking?
Because we’ve beenA�in a long distance relationship since we first started dating, he has this thing where he’ll say he’s coming into town but exaggerates his ETA time. He does this because it gives him enough time to stop by the store on his way in to get a card and flowers. It’s cute because I have cards from years ago to look back on!
What is something that you love about him that has completely changed your life?
Let me start by saying there are so many but I’d have to say how grounded he is. We both come from very humble upbringings and each could talk about the things we’ve been through. ButA�there’s a type of calm and stability that he brings into our relationship that is difficult to explain. I grew up thinking of relationships/ marriage in a certain way based off ofA�life experiences that myself and both sides of my familyA�dealtA�with butA�he’s brought security and reassurance about who we are no matter where we are in life.A�
What part of wedding planning is making you crazy?
I have had our wedding planned out forever! So, for right now, the most difficult part is having to wait and go by a schedule. I also have Joab in my ear saying that “we have two years to do this, it’s day one and you ready to throw your bouquet” lol
What part of the wedding planning can you not live without?
DIY! Between my mom, sister, and best friend–ourA�rustic romanceA�wedding will be made with our bare hands.
What was your first thought the day after your engagement?
My first thought was how blessed we were to have withstood a long distance relations for so long and our next thought and words were “whatA�next”? We live in two states and are both invested in our careers so we knew we had a lot of deciding to do.
What did you love about taking your engagement photos?
I loved most how beautiful that garden was where we did our shoot and how our photographer made things much more intimate. I feel like our passion really is shown in the photos.
Who did you tell first about your engagement?
I kept a list in my phone of who I’d tell first for months! So, we started with parents and reached my soon to be mother n law first then started getting calls back from our other parents and siblings. I called all my girls that next morning, of course!
Are you used to the ring yet?
Obviously not! My sister makes fun of me because I take it off before putting on lotion or before putting on a sweater because I don’t want it to snag. Not to mention the countless ring selfies!
How many times do you accidentally say girlfriend instead of fiancA� in a day?
Joab has got it pretty figured out! It’s usually me who slips and says boyfriend!
Photography by Adrienne Cooper Photography
They make a very handsome couple, and their pictures are absolutely beautiful. I hope they will share their wedding pictures with Black Southern Belle.