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5 Tips For Planning A First Birthday Party

5 Tips For Planning A First Birthday Party

A First Birthday Party is a special occassion for a child.  It is easy to get overwhelmed as a busy mom with all the party planning details. Today we are giving you the help you need. With help from Winter Mckinney, mother of Raelynn Grace, we have 5 Tips For Planning A First Birthday Party and style inspiration from her daughter’s party as well!

Photography by Sarah Soriano Photography

5 Tips For Planning A First Birthday Party

  1. Choose A Theme –  There are tons of themes to choose from when planning a party for your little one.  Choose a theme based on their personality.  We choose the donut theme, because it was vibrant, fun, and heck, who doesn’t love donuts!  Pinterest has tons of ideas to help you get your creative juices flowing.  Create a secret board with all of your favorite ideas to help you plan the party!
  2. Write/ Draw Everything Out-  Create your blueprint for the party.  Set the date, time, and venue. It’s helpful to draw your venue and plan the placement of the cake, highchair, food, gifts, and favors.  Decide what decorations you need, food you will serve, and activities to keep everyone entertained.  Writing everything out!  We all know that going into Hobby Lobby and Target without a plan is dangerous!
  3. Guest List –  Make a list of everyone that you want there to help celebrate the special day.  Family, friends, and your little one’s classmates!  Remember that you are not only celebrating one year of your baby’s life, but also celebrating your survival!  It’s great to have your support team there to celebrate and to thank those who have been there to answer your hundred of questions this past year.
  4. Hire A Photographer-  Your baby only turns one once!  Hire a photographer to capture this milestone.   Smash cake photos are a must!  Plan a fun photoshoot where your child can show off their personality and skills.  Whether that’s crawling, walking, clapping, or crying.  You will be able to look back on these moments and smile.  These photos can also be used as decor for the party.
  5. Enjoy The Day-  It’s time to see all of your planning come to life.  Start your day early and make sure your little one gets a nap.  Delegate tasks to your spouse, friends, and family so you aren’t running all across town picking up day of party items.  If you are stressed, your baby will be stressed too!  The party will go by quick, so enjoy each moment.  Remember to grab a tissue when it’s time to blow out the candles.  Your baby is officially one!!

Michiel Perry

Michiel is a Black Southern Belle living a lowcountry life. I love all things fashion, home decor and southern! When I am not running around doing fun stuff for Black Southern Belle, I live in antique stores and have a minor obsession with historic homes 🙂


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Michiel Perry

Michiel is a Black Southern Belle living a lowcountry life. I love all things fashion, home decor and southern! When I am not running around doing fun stuff for Black Southern Belle, I live in antique stores and have a minor obsession with historic homes :)

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