There is something special about the home of a southern woman. Great care and consideration are made into making the home stylish, gracious but above all hospitable and welcoming. All this is true of a Black Southern Belle home but there is also great care taking into adding Black culture and heritage into their residences. From the furniture to the art and even the family photos, a statement of heritage, history, and culture is constantly at the forefront and mixed within southern classics, modern living and a dose of good old fashion southern hospitality.
Whether it is creating an inviting kitchen or setting a formal dining room table, southern interior design is distinctive and helping to set so many trends and black designers are a large part of that reason. From the designers based in the South to the ones with Southern roots paying homage from afar, these southern sensibilities are making waves in the design industry and it is having a ripple effect. We have curated a list of a few of the names of the organizations, brands and black women making the difference in the southern design industry. Be sure to add these organizations to your list to support!
Southern Design Is on the Rise with Black Interior Designers at the Forefront

Curated Quarters Magazine
Location: Atlanta, GA
Curated Quarters Magazine was founded by Celeste Alexander to celebrate the beautiful spaces created by urban interior designers, decorators, creatives and others of color. We will feature beautiful homes and décor by those in the black community. It is our desire to show our history and struggle of the African American journey of home through the pages of Curated Quarters Magazine. We know how important a well-arranged home can be. The psychological aspects of how important and influential our living quarters can be in our daily lives. We will encourage educate and empower you to dwell in the best way possible at HOME.
Learn More: https://www.curatedquartersmag.com/
Texas Black Interior Designer Symposium
Location: Texas
The Texas Black Interior Design Symposium, established by Creative Conversations, is the Lone Star States premier interior design conference. The purpose of this long-awaited conference is to support and bring together African-American interior designers, decorators, contractors, architects, drafters, home builders, stagers, textile designers, furniture designers, and other related industry professionals to a statewide platform to define common sets of interests and begin a dialog on creating a better future for all.
Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/texasblackinteriordesignsymposium
Black Interior Designers Network and Conference:
Location: Atlanta, GA
The mission of the Black Interior Designers Network (BIDN) is to celebrate diversity within the interior design industry by highlighting designers of color and supporting black designers with business development opportunities. They do this work through an annual conference held in Atlanta, GA and hosting various events throughout the country for designers to connect and be inspired.
Learn More: https://blackinteriordesignersnetwork.com/about-us/